Motion Design, mainly
website - newsnight.png

BBC Newsnight

Motion graphics for the BBC flagship news programme, newsnight,

Screenshot 2020-07-29 at 20.58.30.png

Graphics for newsnight can be anything from screens and visuals for set dressing, graphs and quotes for segments or more visceral animations for the reports.

The deadlines are relentless and the briefs often complex and change throughout the evening as the stories unfold.

But transmission time is unflinching so the work needs to get done.

Chequers Faces

Theresa May had come back with her Chequers deal and there were moves in the Conservative party to destabilise her. That evening Newsnight were covering the story and the brief for the graphics came in at around 3pm (for a 10:30pm transmission) with the idea that people were not quite what they seem, visualised by the old optical illusion of two faces, or is it a candlestick?


Initial concepts


Alongside Brexit the turmoils of the two major parties are a frequent subject and need to be graphicised accordingly...


An investigation into the money links between Russia and the US/UK.


The options laid out for Theresa MAy's Deal (or not)

Studio Screens

The studios are transformed with bespoke screens for each story. Mostly created on the day, they are often static but sometimes are looping animations.

Screen Shot 2019-01-05 at 11.48.30.png
Screen Shot 2019-01-05 at 11.47.08.png